Finding Peace between You and Your Dog – Family Dog Mediation, Learning Dog Radio, and more

dog behavior dog trainer familydogmediation l.e.g.s. Aug 27, 2024

I founded The Learning Dog Academy with one purpose in mind—helping people and dogs live peacefully and joyfully. When I started training as a volunteer and early in my professional days, I really believed that training was the key. It turns out that I was wrong. Training is only one piece of a larger picture.

As I looked at the dogs residing in my home – family pets and fosters- I kept returning to one thing: the dogs who’d been with me the longest would often do what I needed them to, even without formal training. And sometimes, the dogs who had training struggled the most. Why? My curiosity, the wanting to know “why,” pushed me to learn more, to discover why.

Ongoing professional development keeps me current about best practices in animal welfare and my understanding of humane training methods. I’ve earned a variety of certificates and certifications. When I discovered Family Dog Mediation, it was the missing puzzle piece I’d been searching for as an animal welfare professional. After completing the coursework, I went on to become a Licensed Family Dog Mediator (LFDM).

Family Dog Mediation uses a framework called LEGS. That stands for Learning, Environment, Genetics, and Self. Who your dog is depends on their LEGS. My goal when I work with clients is much more than teaching the dog how to do things. I want the person and pet to live well together. I look at the person-pet relationship as a partnership. That means I’m seeking to understand you and your dog to develop a plan that meets your and your dog’s needs. This is how we bring peace to your home and improve everyone’s quality of life. It includes teaching you skills so you can understand and work with your dog as well as teaching skills to your dog. But it’s more than issuing commands and expecting compliance. If you and your dog can communicate well, if you understand your dog’s LEGS, then you’ll have the foundation you need to meet your dog’s needs. If your dog’s needs are met, your dog is far more likely to comply with your requests. Check out my latest podcast for a deeper dive into LEGS.

Have you heard about Learning Dog Radio? Created for dog people who are curious about dogs!

Dogs are amazing. Even when they’re doing those “doggy” things that we humans find annoying, they are still amazing. Each episode looks at a “doggy thing,” like digging, to help dog people like you understand the dog in your life.


Author’s Alley

I published a book this year, “Why Does My Dog Do THAT?! Life in a Multi-Species Home Explained.” It provides insight and solutions for people living with dogs. I’ll be at 2 Dandelions Bookshop on September 14 from 10 AM to 2 PM for a book signing. Hope to see you there!


Delores’ fall hours

Beginning September 1, 2024, Delores will travel to client homes on Monday and Tuesday each week from 2 PM to 6 PM (last appointment at 6). She will also work with clients at her Whitmore Lake facility Wednesday through Friday, 1 PM to 6 PM.



Navigating life in a multi-species home is full of moments - humorous, endearing, messy. But it can also be frustrating. If you're feeling more frustration than humor, let us help you find the fun again!

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Off-Leash Adventures: Is Your Dog Ready?

Oct 04, 2024